Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week 7 Joke Reflection

  Joke Videos:


             First, let me establish that I did NOT want to do this joke, because I hate potty humor. Yeah, I’m that girl, whatever… so, when my group suggested it, I immediately told them I probably wouldn’t be any good at writing or directing. When it came time to write the script, I decided to do it as simply as possible, following the original joke and only straying when I felt it was necessary. My group liked the fact that my script was so simple and would be easy to do in the limited time, considering that we wanted to spend more time and effort on the more complicated script.
            Personally, I was very shocked when the Beans video, the one with my script, seemed to work better than the other. The camera angles may have been better in A Wonderful Escape, but I do think the humor felt more natural in the first video. A Wonderful Escape has a lot more planned shots than Beans, which is evident from the very first shot with the main character hunched between dumpsters. It was hard to create movement within the shots without actually moving the camera, but I think both videos achieved this as well as possible within the editing process. There are a lot of visual concepts that are the same for both videos. We used lines in Beans when the main character is sitting at the dinner. The window perfectly frames him and the vertical window frames from the building beside the diner directs the viewer’s eye right where we wanted. A lot of the shots look very nice. The only improvement we could have made would be to line them up more, and to create a better sense of space. For most of the film, the shots feel confined and closed because we were filming them in a dark alley, in a closed diner, in the library of a dorm—if we had more time or better resources, I think we could have made both films stronger.
            In all, I am not sure why the first video worked better than the other. Maybe it’s opinion, because I know a lot of the group members liked A Wonderful Escape more.  

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