Monday, January 31, 2011

Week 4 Response to "Brainwashed"

"Brainwashed" by Seth Godin

Acknowledging the Lizard Summary
To me, this section of the story was talking about the creative process and having faith in it. It beings with explains what a lizard brain is, "It's the part of our brain that worries about safety and dishes out anger. Being laughed at is the lizard's worst nightmare. And so it shuts down our art." He continues to explain that this resistance we feel to rejection is the only aspect standing between us and our art, and we need to demolish this barrier of fear of rejection to be able to succeed in the world today.

Make Art
This sectioned of the article was my personal favorite because, lately, I have been getting worried. I was sitting through media class after media class, and I would call my friends who attend different colleges and they would ask me what I was did today. My answer would be something along the lines of, "I watched Family Guy... in class" or "I listened to Girl Talk... in class". They would laugh on the other end and remark about how awesome my schedule is and how easy my classes are and I would listen to them laugh and I would think, "I'm not learning anything..." But creating art is a learning process; it's not a waste of time. Being creative is an important part of today, where everyone is battling new technologies and ideas. But, it becomes very easy to forget that when the person beside you is studying chemistry and you're studying sound types.

I think "Making Art" is already occurring with the projects we've been creating in class. And, along with making art, comes the "Acknowledging the Lizard". By forcing ourselves to do the media projects, we are creating, and then by publishing them online and receiving critiques, we are opening ourselves up and making rejection a possibility and accepting it. By doing both of these suggestions, a person can hope to be a better artist and possibly professional. However, in some ways, becoming a better student might not have a lot to do with art. It depends what you are studying.

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